In spite of the want and need for transparency in the business, there has been no willingness to expose a realtor’s sales history or depth of experience – the consumer is left to their own devices to figure out how to chose an agent.

The REIC powers-that-be have always coddled the newly-licensed agents. The brokers make the maximum commission splits off them while they are cutting their teeth, and the state agencies/boards of realtors enjoy their dues for as long as they last.

But recently the California Department of Real Estate decided that all agents should have their license number on all promotional materials – flyers, business cards, etc.

Because the license numbers are sequential, now you can easily size up how long someone has had their license.  It doesn’t mean a whole lot, but at least it’s something.

The lower the number, the longer they’ve had their license – here’s a timeline:

License Date License Number Status
12/74 00400000 expired
10/84 00873197 JtR
9/88 01000000 expired
1/91 01100000 expired
8/95 01200000 expired
11/00 01300000 licensed
6/03 01388871 Klinge Enterprises corporate license
11/03 01400000 licensed
9/06 01500000 expired

You can decide for yourself how much experience is optimal – let’s face it, there are plenty of old guys who are lazy or ripoffs.  But it’s a starting point. 

Most licensees under 01400000 are going to have decent experience, and hopefully 50 or so deals under their belt.  On average, figure that licensees do a deal a month.


The DRE also notes the realtor population – it has finally started to subside.  Since March, 2008 we’ve been losing 1,000 to 3,000 licensees per month, but there are still roughly 75,000 MORE licensees in California than there were in June, 2005.

The DRE also has a list of people who have been served “Desist and Refrain Orders” for loan mod fraud:

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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