For those of you who joined us as a result of today’s Good Morning America, welcome!

You’re joining a serious group discussion on real estate, interspersed with some raw videos taken along the way.  Their intent is to help document the current state of affairs by looking at houses for sale in North San Diego County, many of them foreclosures.

To make it easier on you, below are compilations of the 100+ videos shot over the last year.  The first four have already been seen by the locals, so they are listed in link form only.  The last one is a new production, just for you.  They tend to be grumpy and find things wrong with the houses in question, but that’s OK, you want to know the truth, right?

Here they are:

#1 –

#2 –

#3 –

#4 –

From the bottom of the barrel, the new #5:


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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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