The local sales numbers are frightening. Compare our sales counts to these areas:

Populations / Sales = People Per Sale

New Hampshire: 1,389,000 / 1,490 = 932

Portland metro: 2,220,000 / 1,717 = 1,293

Las Vegas metro: 2,227,000 / 2,374 = 938

Charlotte metro: 2,267,000 / 3,316 = 684

Denver metro: 2,931,000 / 3,175 = 923

San Diego: 3,319,000 / 1,656 =  2,004

Here is how they compare – the high month in 2023 was similar to the annual low month perviously!

Sellers will have to do more than ever to improve their home for sale – just to get in the running!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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