If you are on the fence about how to sell your house, and you don’t really need to sell anyway, here’s one reason to go all in and sell on the first try.

You sure don’t want to fail, and be an expired listing.

You remember our sellers who decided to rent their house, rather than be victimized by the blunder up the street.  I warned them that on the day my listing shows up as expired on the MLS, there would be 100s of realtors descending upon them.

Their phone number was unlisted, and it was never mentioned in the MLS, but it doesn’t matter – any phone number can be found.  Around 7am that morning, the calls started, and as you can see above, he was getting one about every five minutes.

Check the agent who called him three times in one minute!

You don’t ever want to be an expired listing. Your phone will melt down, and you will seriously consider getting a new phone number.  The mail you’ll receive killed several trees, and the in-person hounding at your door will be offensive too.

I apologize on behalf of the realtor industry in advance.

Another reason to make sure you sell the first time around!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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