I am expanding the team to provide a wider range of services, and in particular, to work the f-list more effectively. Here’s one off the list today:
I am expanding the team to provide a wider range of services, and in particular, to work the f-list more effectively. Here’s one off the list today:
It can be tough to flush a squatter. we had one next to us for quite awhile. talk about a loser. He had no water in the house and had to bring in bottled water to take showers.
the sheriff showed up one day and went in yelling and the coward had left already. I talked with the realtor and evidently he bought some time buy moving the case from the superior ct to a federal ct. Not sure on what grounds but it bought him for free rent. Probably got 40-50k of free rent. the mailman told me he worked on computers. By the looks of him I dont think he ever done an honest days work.
A deal I did with B of A back in 2010 with a squatter got me 5k off the purchase price. So I am thinking deadbeat tax comes to around 5k. Rounding error in the grand scheme of things.
In this case I think it will be at least $100,000.
This house looks better than the probate down the street which got run up into the mid-$700,000s, but I’m guessing that trustee-sale buyers will stop around $600,000, and maybe lower.
If it weren’t for the squatter, the family could have listed this for sale on the open market – they should have anyway with the squatter in there.