I mispoke in this clip when I said $1.4 million, they only want $1,325,000 – this is the third of the four models that have gone back to the bank:
I mispoke in this clip when I said $1.4 million, they only want $1,325,000 – this is the third of the four models that have gone back to the bank:
Unless those are servants quarters on either side I think it may be a tad overpriced.
Maybe they can throw in a giant net between the yard and the golf course.
I love how you put your investigator skills to work here, Jim. Other agents would probably just talk up the view of the “beautiful golf course”…
Is that Encinitas Ranch?
Forget the golf balls, look at the backyard! There is no backyard.
With the cost of golf balls these days, it`ll pay for itself in no time.
JTR, are you peppering the lawn with golfballs from a hole in your pocket in advance of submitting a lowball offer?
clearfund Mahalo for the chuckle! JtR would never do that, he has too much integrity…
I counted 4 balls, Jtr. You missed one at 2:32. I’m sure there were many others as well.