You know by now that the banking lobbyists must be working overtime trying to convince Congress to sweep the MERS debacle under the rug. This video doesn’t have the answers, but at least it brings the issues to the forefront. The best is a quote by Thomas Jefferson at the 4:50 mark:
(Hat tip to the Coto Housing Blog where I saw this)
This isn’t much of a swearing blog, is it? Hm.
If congress passes a retroactive legalization of this, I’ve only got this: *bleep* them, *bleep* them all.
the 24/7 news media circus unfortunately makes much ado about nothing. Property rights are both important and closely scrutinized.
If this is a big deal, there will be a great cottage industry of lawyers willing to argue property ownership rights.
Of course, we don’t really “own” the earth, do we? It owns us. I’d like to see anyone try to escape; the few that have have always come back.