Tips for Sellers

Tips for preparing your home for sale

CURB APPEAL – 50% of homebuyers make the decision to buy your house before they get inside – based on the neighborhood and how it looks from the street!

A. Fertilize, water and mow grass

B. Add mulch and new flowers to flower beds

C. Paint the front door, add a new welcome mat and porch light

CARPET – Install new medium-grade carpet (not carpet allowance) and benefit from the new carpet look and smell. Any neutral color will do, buyers aren’t that picky, as long as it’s a tasteful beige or off-white color.

PAINT – If it’s been more than two years since your last paint job, then paint the inside and out with a neutral color (beige or off-white) and highlight the wood trim and cabinets with a high-gloss white. Hire a professional painting contractor – an inferior paint job doesn’t help much, and a mess could make it worse. Painting the front door is a must – there is usually some awkward moments for the buyer while waiting for the door to open – have them marvel at the beauty of your front door.

NEUTRALIZE – Remove or pack away any family pictures, collectibles, religious items, and any “unique” decorations. I know what you’re thinking – “Jim, you’re asking me to change my life?” Yes, I know it’s an inconvenience, but turning your home into a neutral, sale-able commodity is the goal – that enables the buyers to better visualize themselves living there!

CLUTTER PATROL – remove or hide everything that is loose and lying around. Take out and big, bulky furniture and, in general, minimize the visual distractions.

CHEAP AND EASY FIXES – Clean out the garage, wash windows, organize closets, replace burnt-out light bulbs, and install a new doorbell, plus keep the home spotless when you know it’s going to be shown – CLEAN SELLS!

FOCUS ON KITCHEN AND BATHS – If you can spend big money, do it here.

DECORATE – Set the dining room table with plates and silverware, and add flowers.

BEST IDEA – Rent a storage unit and remove one-third to one-half of your belongings. Your house will look bigger, cleaner, and de-cluttered. I know it is hard work, but you have to move it anyway, get started now and help the sales process – your house will literally sell for more money!

The more you fix – the better your chances of getting top dollar!

When is the best time to sell? See this post:

Now that you and the house are ready, then what?

You need to hire the best agent you can find – I’d like to offer to come by and take a look at your house, identify the strengths and weaknesses, and put the proper value on the package – at no charge. I’ll also share with you the things I do to get you top dollar in this market, and if you’re convinced that I’m the guy for the job, then we’ll get started!

If you want to interview agents (which I discourage 😮) watch my YouTube video on questions to ask, and things to look for in an agent:

Have any questions? Ready to sell?

Call Jim Klinge today (760) 434-5000 or (858) 560-7700

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