My good friend Kerri Klein called to alert me to this book, which was written by a local realtor who worked at Jelley & Co. in Del Mar. The names are changed to protect the guilty, but it’s easy to figure them out.
I’m only 75 pages into it, but it is great reading for those who remember.
We worked for Patti Jelley in the La Jolla office, while Joe Jelley ran the legendary flagship office next to Bully’s in the heart of Del Mar. Joe is still with us at 87 years old and living in Del Mar!
My best memory was when a couple of big-ish sales pushed me onto the leaderboard in late 1986.
Joe gathered us around for an end-of-year awards ceremony, and he had made a deal with a local furrier. My third-place finish was enough to win an award – a fur made of possum! Thanks Joe!
Com’ on, JtR, tell us more stories from real estate land 🙂