The active listings of detached homes from La Jolla to Carlsbad:

Date NSDCC Listings Avg. LP $$/sf
Jan 14
Feb 4
Feb 10
Feb 25
March 6

In February, there were 369 new listings, and 297 listings that went pending (not counting contingents) – slightly slower than our last reading of early February when it was a 1:1 ratio of new listings to pendings.

The average list price of February’s pendings was $439/sf, so it is the higher-end product that is sluggish.

It wouldn’t take much to slow this train down.

If we have 15-20 Carmel Valley resale homes under $1,000,000 get listed in March, it would soak up some of the demand, and leave everyone else wondering what to expect. But that is a big IF – only two have listed so far, one at $979,000 and the other at $999,999.

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