These graphs demonstrate some of the insanity in today’s marketplace.
While the list prices Carmel Valley, RSF, and Encinitas have remained relatively subdued….
Carmel Valley, 92130:
RSF, 92067:
Encinitas, 92024:
In Eastern Carlsbad, the list prices have taken off for the moon – see below.
If you are thinking of buying there, watch how many sales there are over the next couple of months, and the closed sales prices to see if they are on to something (I don’t think they are).
SE Carlsbad, 92009:
NE Carlsbad, 92010:
It looks as if the “stable” and wealthier markets operate with 8-10% fluff in the price.
While lower priced, east Carlsbad got out of whack and under priced. But now they have recovered the fluff factor.
Also a graphic indicator of maybe where and when to buy, (during the holidays in suburban, moderately priced areas).
Basically we’re getting to a point where everything is priced to hurt. No easy deals out there.
I think we can say in 92010 that sellers have over-corrected.
You could buy most any house in the zip for $5-something last summer, now there are 8 houses listed over $650,000.