We have nine offers in on Dixon, and the seller/bank countered for their highest and best offer. Later today we should have a winner somewhere in the mid-$300,000s.

One of the offers is $367,500 VA, and they’re asking for a 3% credit for closing costs, and another 3% for discount points.   

Typical closing costs for buyers run from 1.0% to 1.5%, where does the other 4.5% to 5.0% go? 

We probably won’t have to worry about it, because the REO managers are going to take a lower offer with a higher net, and not have to sweat an appraisal issue.

If your loan broker is telling you that you need an extra 4.5% to 5.0% packed into your offer, and to just raise the price to compensate – go find another lender!


Here are the guesses for our contest:

Guess Guesser
$1 shadash
$199,000 arizonadude
$305,000 Genius
$310,000 Kook1315
$311,000 Wes
$312,000 NateTG
$314,000 greenlander
$314,900 No_Such_Reality
$316,000 REB
$318,500 Erin
$319,000 The Wood
$320,000 jose
$321,000 GameAgent
$321,500 mybleachhouse
$322,500 CA renter
$323,000 Dwalla
$323,500 DKO
$324,000 gywright
$324,600 Custerdome
$325,000 Susan
$325,000 nolongerjoerenter
$325,000.43 Renter Pete in Carlsbad
$327,000 bobfather99
$327,500 IRE
$327,900 no bubble here
$328,500 mtb
$329,500 sosad
$330,000 Steve
$330,000 Geotpf
$331,000 m
$331,500 4s Renter
$332,000 Dave
$333,500 CB Mark
$334,000 Erica Douglass
$335,000 Kwaping
$336,000 Poorhouse
$337,500 Blissful Ignoramus
$338,000 OCVulture
$338,500 Angela
$338,500 mab
$339,462.20 Mozart
$340,000 Kompeitou
$340,000 tjandthebear
$340,250 rbresident
$340,500 Al in IC
$344,800 Rob Dawg
$345,000 doughboy
$346,000 Atenbrown
$346,800 FreedomCM
$347,000 sd nerd
$349,000 Don Q
$349,500 Myriad
$355,000 Mojo
$362,000 Stephen Waits
$415,000 newbie

The list price is $314,900. Here is the link to the original post on the contest, with video:
Four Padres Tickets!

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Jim the Realtor
Jim is a long-time local realtor who comments daily here on his blog, bubbleinfo.com which began in September, 2005. Stick around!

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