Hat tip to reader MF who sent in a note about this latest 3.0 release.  If it wasn’t already obvious, our industry has more information on you than ever:

With PropertyRadar 3.0, you can have unlimited, always up-to-date contact information with your subscription, including:

  1. 40 million phone numbers for property owners and their spouses.
  2. Spouse Owner/Joint Owner Contact Details
  3. Links to Social Media Profiles
  4. Profile Pictures from Social Media
  5. Gender, Age & Date-of-Birth
  6. Ethnicity & Language
  7. Household Income & Household Net Worth
  8. Presence of Children & Age of Children
  9. Interests & Affiliations

We’ve known about your mortgage history for years, and now it’s really getting personal.  Realtors are building teams of people to help process this data, and seek out those who are most likely to move. Don’t be surprised if you see realtor marketing that feels a little creepy!

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