
Changes this month by the California Housing Finance Authority will help more K-12 public school employees land their first home.

The Extra Credit Teacher Home Purchase Program — once restricted to teachers — is now available to all administrators and support staff such as aides, bus drivers and custodians in public schools, charter schools and district offices.

Education professionals can now receive down-payment assistance of up to $15,000 in “high-cost” counties such as Riverside and San Bernardino. The loan, at 2.5 percent interest, does not require payments until the home is sold, refinanced or the principal loan has been paid, explained finance authority spokesman Eric Johnson.

“People always think government programs are for low income people, but we’re really for low and moderate income residents,” Johnson said. “It’s the missing middle – people with good jobs who have sometimes been priced out of the housing market.”

Applicants must have a minimum credit score of 640. Those making more than $91,000 per year are excluded from the program. The home sales price cannot exceed $400,000.

Read full article here:


CalHFA has several assistance programs:


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